A beautiful moment just occurred between a father and daughter. A little girl named Delta is capturing hearts worldwide. Chelsie Hayden Davis, Delta’s mom, shared a video on her Instagram page as they were leaving St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, not realizing her dad was waiting in the parking lot to surprise her.

Delta is just three years old and was diagnosed with leukemia last year. During her hospital stay for treatment, she hadn't seen her dad for an entire week.
Her mom mentioned that Delta lost movement in her left side a month ago. Despite her difficulty walking, that didn’t stop her from rushing toward her dad as quickly as she could in the adorable video.

In an interview with WTVA 9 News, Chelsie said, "Seeing their daughter moving, walking, and running is a miracle."
"One of the hardest things we have faced so far is our family being split apart throughout the week, but when Friday comes and daddy makes it back to us, it’s a joy 🤍🥰."
Delta has a sister named Dani, and together, they were able to leave St. Jude for the weekend to ride go-karts. She also has a cat named Pepper Boy.

Despite the challenges their family has faced, many people have been inspired by Delta’s journey. A GoFundMe campaign was started to help Delta and her family with her recent leukemia diagnosis.
Chelsie expressed, "I never thought the Lord would use our little girl to reach so many people." The family recently received the great news that they had been praying for. Delta's leukemia was in remission.

Delta’s story shows the world that in the midst of fear, we should remember to trust in God that everything will be okay. If you can do 'Stay Inspired' a favor, please continue to support their journey by visiting their GoFundMe page.